Promo Video Within A Content Strategy

PropelGrowth Blog
Get me into a conversation about content strategy and you’ll no doubt hear the term “use every part of the buffalo.” Apart from the Native American reference, it refers to leveraging multiple forms of content on a particular topic. For example, a white paper on big data and personalization is generated. That long form content can spawn shorter content assets — blog posts, an article and a video. These pieces can point to one another, as well as to other related content. This helps to cast a wider net for your target audience by increasing the access points to your thought leadership content and therefore your company. It also increases the ROI of your marketing budget spend.

The C-suite Wants a Variety of Content

Promo video works best when part of a well-defined marketing strategy.Many companies expect one piece of content to do all their lead generation work. But the Forbes/Google study of senior executives found that most executives like a mix of text and video. They might watch a video at the beginning, but then they want to obtain additional information through infographics, articles and other text-based content. According to the Forbes study, 65% of executive level decision makers visit company websites after viewing a video.  So every video MUST include a clear call to action, leading the prospect to the next piece of content in your program.

Video can also make an overall campaign more effective. For example, 76% of senior marketing executives say that integrating video links into email campaigns increases click through rates.

Video Content Should Be Strategic

Your promo videos should be part of a continuum of related content that helps to complete the picture. We recommend creating a content program around a theme, and using the video to drive an audience into that program. The promotional video includes a call to action guiding the viewer to the next piece of content – or to multiple content alternatives. For example, you might have an infographic aimed at someone in the awareness stage of the buying cycle, and a white paper or buyer guide for someone who might be at a later stage. As you guide your customers through a continuum of connected marketing content, you help them step through each phase in their buying process.  You also nurture a relationship of trust that helps your company achieve the coveted status of a Trusted Advisor.

When producing video content, go beyond a merely tactical approach that will surely have a limited influence. Consider your target audience and form a strategy that will help your company get the most bang for its marketing buck.

For More On The Subject…

If you’d like more information about video content production, click the link appropriate to where you are in your buying process:

How can Marvel Studios inform content strategy? Click here to find out.

Phil Donaldson
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3 responses to “Promo Video Within A Content Strategy”

  1. Is it worth hiring a script writer to create script for promotional video production?

  2. Moloy,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    In my opinion, the script is the most important asset of video production. Therefore, the script writer is a highly valued person. For this reason, the promo video script writer should have deep domain expertise in order to craft a script that speaks directly to the intended audience.

    In Financial Services, an industry full of niches, the video needs to resonate in very specific ways, otherwise the content will be easily for them to dismiss. Take the Financial Technology space. These people really know their stuff and have very specific business problems. They have finely tuned “BS meters”. The video script writer who fails to meet their need for valuable content (valuable to THEM) will only be providing another product of “talking heads making boastful claims” or providing the video equivalent of empty calories.

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