Announcing The TrendSpotters Podcast

TrendSpotters Podcast Series - Fast Growth Strategy Interviews, hosted by Candyce Edelen


Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
— John F. Kennedy

This year marks the 10th anniversary of PropelGrowth…and my friends, the intervening years have seen a great deal of change! We’ve gone from a sales training focus to that of marketing strategy, sales process facilitation and content marketing. Our focus has always been about helping clients drive growth and improve sales and marketing effectiveness. As we’ve learned more about what works (and what doesn’t), as client needs and capabilities evolve, as marketing best practices have been evolving, as tools have emerged, we’ve evolved to be more effective in helping our clients. 

Looking to the future, we want to continue getting better at helping clients and colleagues drive growth. A few years ago, we had experimented with podcasting. We called it TrendSpotters. That experience taught us a lot.

The TrendSpotters Podcast

Frank, I never thought I’d say this again…I am gettin’ the pig!
— Marvin Boggs (“RED”)

We frequently have significant conversations with business leaders about the increased challenges of getting business done and what they’re doing to propel growth. As we looked for ways to share their insights with you, we thought, “Why not capture those and share them with our audience in a podcast?” So with a renewed vigor (à la Marvin Boggs from the movie “RED”), we’re announcing that next week marks the return of the TrendSpotters podcast!

The purpose of this podcast series will be to identify high growth companies and interview their leaders to get a better sense of how they’re achieving sustainable growth. We’ll also be speaking with key industry thought leaders to surface gems of wisdom that listeners can apply to their own businesses. TrendSpotters will be aimed at CEOs, business owners, heads of marketing, heads of sales and resource-challenged marketing departments who strategize around a complex B2B sales process. Every two weeks, you’ll hear from business leaders about how they’re growing their businesses. Our first guests include experts such as Carlos Hidalgo, Craig Rosenberg (“The Funnelholic”), Amy Guarino, Matt Heinz and Michael Brenner.

The TrendSpotters Mission

Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.
— Immanuel Kant

Our mission for the podcast will be to present thought-provoking discussions with an edge of practicality. We want to give you takeaways that you can actually use. What we don’t want to do is waste your time with theoretical fluff or ideas that can’t be practically implemented — that just leads to frustration.

Each episode of TrendSpotters will feature an industry practitioner who is in the trenches trying to solve real problems — just like you. We hope that you’ll keep us on the job with comments, suggestions and questions. After all, we’re all in this together.

We’re putting the finishing touches on things and look forward to sharing these insightful conversations with you next week. Sign up to receive notifications of new TrendSpotters episodes and/or provide us with a wish-list of guests and topics:

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Phil Donaldson
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