Is The Press Release Dead?

PropelGrowth Blog

Recently, dozens of bloggers – both PR and content marketing experts – have been claiming that the press release no longer has any value. So is that true? Should we all stop creating press releases? I think it depends on your purpose.

Press Releases for Gaining Earned Media

Find out how effective press releases can be for content marketing.

Journalists get volumes of these releases every day, and often just delete them without even reading them. If you want media coverage, you have to do it the old fashioned way – the leg work that top PR professionals do every day. Find the journalists and bloggers who write about your topic, get to know what they cover, contact them and pitch your stories aligned with their objectives, and then send the press release as background.

Press Releases for Demonstrating Progress in Your Company

Press releases on your news page can be an important validator in the complex B2B sales process – especially for financial technology providers. Buyers who are considering your firm often look at your news page to see what other clients are using your products. Generally, these releases hold very little meaningful content, and I think that most firms could do a LOT more to tell stories and turn this medium into vehicle for demonstrating their value proposition.

Press Releases for Amplifying Your Content Marketing

I’ve found that using wire services to publish press releases actually helps amplify our content strategy and facilitate content discovery. For example, when we issue a case study, we use the press release to tell an abridged story, linking the release to the case study. Then we put the release out via wire service to finance and technology corridors, selecting the least expensive distribution route from one of the major wire services. This approach gets your release up on hundreds of sites where people can discover the content. But I don’t look at this as a PR strategy. I consider it paid advertising.

So should you use press releases? Yes – but they need to be aligned with your overall content marketing, they need to tell a story that is interesting, and they should be used to demonstrate your value proposition and amplify your content strategy.

For more information on how to use press releases as part of your content strategy, check out these posts:

Candyce Edelen

8 responses to “Is The Press Release Dead?”

  1. I agree with this 100%. Too many people are throwing releases out there because it’s quick, cheap and covers the waterfront. But it winds up creating a lot of noise that editors and bloggers don’t have time to look through in order to find the one or two that might have value to them. The personal approach is the way to go. Press releases on your website, however, is a good strategy.

  2. Thanks for your comment Sandra. I fully agree with you – sending the press releases to the editors without a solid PR strategy in advance is just adding to the spam noise.

    However, we’ve put releases on the wire, selecting a limited NY region and the financial and technology corridors. The release showed up on hundreds of financially oriented news sites in APAC and LATAM that we did not target. This got us considerably more visibility than we would have through normal channels.

    But our objective was not to get press attention. We wanted to improve discoverability for buyers who notice the content there and click through to a related landing page to get more information.

  3. Having utilized a press release submission to market many of my websites I always ensure I access the established newswires to
    send out my press release. I’ve tried out the free press release sites but you sincerely do
    get what you pay for. A press release is too influential
    a promotional tactic to cut corners on. A paid for distribution service like
    SBWire, PRBuzz, Email Wire et al not only provide your brand superb publicity but additionally strong back-links and targeted traffic.

    That is why I continuously employ a press release once my site goes
    live and allow it to work its magic!

  4. Using the strategies discussed above is just the beginning for getting website targeted traffic on a price range. Where from they are coming, which types of posts are getting top traffic and many more. When written correctly, a press release can be better than an advertisement.

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