PropelGrowth a Finalist for Content Marketing Award

PropelGrowth Blog
I just returned from vacation and was delighted to learn that PropelGrowth is one of 15 finalists for the Content Marketing Institute “Orange Awards” as a top content marketing agency.  CMI says they received more than 600 entries, so it’s a great honor to be named a finalist. We’ll find out on September 6th at Content Marketing World whether PropelGrowth is a winner. Awards will be given for the best small, mid-sized, and large agencies.

There was a three step process for entering. Eligible firms had to generate at least 50% of revenues or annual revenues of at least $500,000 from content marketing in order to qualify. Then we had to complete an application and prepare a presentation demonstrating our firm’s “marketing effectiveness, technology usage, knowledge sharing, creative storytelling, process excellence, project execution, innovation, responsiveness, campaign effectiveness and financial impact” (all keys to successful content marketing). The panel of judges include leading marketers from companies like Intel, SAP and IBM along with a few big consumer brands.

We’ve been very busy with client work, so we don’t have as much time as we need to market PropelGrowth (another case of the “Shoemaker’s Children”). We never would have submitted an entry if Phil hadn’t pushed hard to get it done. TabbFORUM also lent a hand, and we owe a HUGE thank you to Greg Crawford, Editor of TabbFORUM and to the team at TabbGROUP.

We decided to use a video to tell our story. We spent a few hours planning how to tell the story (not nearly enough) and an hour taping. Then Phil spent about a day doing a masterful job of editing. He took 45 minutes of me rambling, then wove it into a 7 minute cohesive story, to which he added beautiful animation to make the video visually interesting and illustrate points. I wish we’d had more time to plan and prepare, but I’m glad we went ahead and submitted. In case you’re interested, the video we submitted is below.

If we win, that would make the second marketing industry award for the agency this year. Back in April, PropelGrowth was honored with a “Killer Content Award” for our “B2B Marketing [r]Evolution” video at the first annual B2B Content2Conversion Conference in New York City. If you’re already doing content marketing or adding a content focus to your marketing strategy, I wholeheartedly recommend you attend the 2013 conference.

Phil and I are excited to attend Content Marketing World in a couple of weeks for some face time with fellow marketers (such as our “Great Marketing Conversation” panelists), as well as to soak up a wealth of knowledge and ideas to improve our content marketing services. Many thanks to the judges naming PropelGrowth as a finalist.  Joe Pulizzi, we’re looking forward to finally meeting you!

Candyce Edelen

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